
Brief instructions for wget & curl Introduction In today's digital age, downloading files from the internet is an essential... HTTP status codes When you browse the web, you may have noticed a three-digit code appearing in the address bar or... How to check if a port is open with telnet command? In computer networking, ports play a crucial role in facilitating communication between... How to choose a strong password for the server In today's digital age, passwords play a crucial role in protecting sensitive information... How to connect to the server via ssh Connecting to a server via SSH (Secure Shell) is a common task for system administrators and... How to determine the version of MySQL on the server MySQL is one of the most popular open-source relational database management systems used... How to do tracing Tracing is an essential tool for diagnosing network issues and identifying potential problems in... How to enable caching for a site When it comes to optimizing your website for faster load times, enabling caching is one of... How to login to FTP server If you need to transfer files between your local machine and a remote server, one of the most... How to ping a server When troubleshooting network issues or checking server connectivity, one useful tool is the... How to protect your computer from viruses In today's digital age, our computers have become an essential part of our lives, from... How to set up a 301 redirect A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect from one URL to another. This is useful if you want to... Redirect from http to https with examples for various web servers As online security concerns continue to grow, it has become increasingly important for website... Seen IP-addresses for hosting: what is needed When it comes to hosting a website, one of the most important things to consider is the IP... Sites that are prohibited on hosting This section is for those who think that by publishing illegal information on the Internet, they... Understanding Uptime: Why It Matters for Your Website In the world of website hosting, uptime is a term that you may hear frequently. But what... What are logs and where to find them Logs are an important part of any software or system, as they provide valuable information about... What is .htaccess? If you're a website owner, you may have heard of .htaccess files. These files are an... What is FTP and why is it needed FTP, or File Transfer Protocol, is a protocol used for transferring files over the internet. It... What is RAM and what does it affect In the world of computing, RAM (Random Access Memory) is one of the most crucial components of a... What is a backup A backup is a copy of important data or information that is created as a precautionary measure in... What is a data center A data center is a facility that houses computer systems and associated components, such as... What is a database When it comes to building websites or web applications, one of the most important things to... What is disk space In the world of computing, disk space refers to the amount of storage capacity available on a... What is the difference between VPN and proxy server In today's digital age, ensuring online security and privacy is becoming increasingly... What is the difference between shared and dedicated hosting? Web hosting is an essential component for any website owner who wants to make their website... What is traffic When it comes to web hosting, traffic refers to the amount of data that is transferred between a... What is web hosting? Web hosting is a crucial component of launching a website. It is a service that allows... What types of web hosting are available? Web hosting is a necessary component of creating a website, as it allows individuals and...
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